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Our Retirement Education Courses

Life After DROP

The number one concern of Baby Boomers in retirement is “we don't want to run out of money.” Life After DROP is a one-hour course designed for current FRS DROP participants, to give you an overview of the DROP exit process and how to maximize your benefits. In addition, we'll address some of the main issues and questions pre-retirees and retirees face like debt & taxes, Social Security, general investing concepts, and income streams in retirement.

The FRS Playbook

For FRS members 5-10 years from retirement, The FRS Playbook is a one-hour course dedicated to helping you get a detailed overview of your State and County benefits, so you can make informed choices leading up to retirement. We'll cover the Pension Plan VS Investment Plan, how the FRS DROP program works, your County Sick Leave benefit, Social Security, and your voluntary 403(b)/457(b) benefit, so you can be equipped with the knowledge you need to retire with confidence. 

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